Sunday, June 27, 2010
General Physical Preparedness (GPP)
-Jordan Feigenbaum CSCS, HFS, USAW-Club Coach
Assistant Director O'fallon South
Monday, June 21, 2010
Some things I've learned
Never give up. Never give out. Never give in.
The best IS yet to come.
Respect doctors and their knowledge 100%. BUT the human spirit is able to do BEYOND what they have been taught. YOU have the final word in your destiny.
When working out, always do a little more than you think you can. The worst that will happen is that you keep the same goals. The BEST that will happen is that you will set NEW goals.
It isn’t the falling down that counts; it’s the STAYING down. Do what it takes to get up again. Then help someone next to you who has fallen.
SEE it and you can achieve it. Believe it with the heart, mind, and spirit first. The rest is a cake walk.
God is not a genie here to grant wishes. Work WITH Him. It’s why He made us. Just remember - HE is God. You are not.
Never give up on love. It is in the smile of a child, the kiss of a puppy, the grateful hug from a friend, and sometimes just in the glance of a stranger. Never think because you don’t have a significant other that you do not have love. It is all around you. Just open your eyes - and your heart. If you DO have a signficant other - remember why you fell in love with them. And let them know that you still do.
Cougars rule.
I AM my brother’s (and sister’s) keeper.
God bless America and those who protect her.
You must move or you will die. If nothing else, shut the shades and dance if nothing else matters. Dance like you did when you went to a Junior High School sock hop (do they still have those??) with your girlfriends. Before you really cared. Just DANCE for the sheer joy of the moment.
Laugh more than you cry.
Never ever ever pick up a teething puppy who was recently weaned when coming straight out of the shower. Get dressed first. Nuff said. That band aid is going to hurt like heck when I remove it.
Life is short.
Regret is long.
It’s never too late to learn something new.
Don’t let your past determine your future.
Say “I’m sorry” more than you expect to hear it.
Carpe Diem.
God NEVER fails. Man, occasionally. God, never.
Have an above average day.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
"Perhaps you should lie down"
If only she knew! But it was kind of cool that she DIDN’T know and rather than crawling on the ground I just looked drunk.
When I told Jake the story initially he laughed, then he said something pretty profound. “People have been telling you to lie down since you started this journey”. And you know what, he’s right. Doctors, family, well meaning friends all initially thought this was not a good idea for me. Rather than push myself, perhaps I should just accept my fate and lay down. Thank goodness I didn’t, and chose to listen to those people who believed in me. And more importantly, I listened to ME!!! And look where I am today! Had I just lain down I think the scenario would be different. Heck, I know it would.
So I will always remember the thick German accent telling me “perhaps you should lie down”. And I laugh, and say NO WAY. It makes me get up and do more. Now gotta run and take a walk before lunch is over. Have an above average day!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Learn to ride the waves
I just had one of the most wonderful times of my life in Cancun. Thank you Chad, Lisa, Jeremy and the entire DFM team. It was great on so many levels - physically, mentally and spiritually.
Something happened early one morning (No, not “Perhaps you should lie down”. I’ll talk about that another time.) But a really big spiritual rev. (revelation) as my pastor calls them.
Early one morning I was looking out on the ocean. The water was calm and peaceful further out. Then the closer it got to shore the more choppy it became. Then, when it reached the shore it became calm again. But it didn’t stop there. No, after a brief time the water turned around and went back out to sea.
I saw a man on a surf board – but the waves were too rough to ride – so he sat on top of the board and just road the waves.
It made me think – isn’t this exactly how life is? Everything seems calm and peaceful – the out of seemingly no where you encounter the rough waves. They get higher and higher. Now during these times you can try and swim against the current, exhaust yourself, and maybe drown. OR you can learn to ride on TOP of the waves. Riding it out. Not giving into it. Not fighting it. But learning when you should just relax, and ride out the rough times.
Then – as you reach your destination, all becomes peaceful again. BUT it doesn’t stop there. Because if the water STOPPED there it would become stagnant and die. No, it swirls for a second then goes right back to the sea – to start the entire process over again. Ever changing, never changing.
I want to be the person on top of the waves – laughing with pure joy. Because the more choppy the weather, the better the ride. KNOWING that it will not always be choppy – there are calm days ahead. But for this moment in time – simply feel the sun on your face, the joy of life surrounding you – and learns to ride the wave.