Friday, July 30, 2010

Pre and Post Workout Nutrition for Fat Loss

Pre and Post Workout Nutrition For Fat Loss

By Marshall Ray – Specialist in Sports Nutrition - ISSA

So you want to drop a few pounds, or just stay lean. You’ve heard conflicting reports on what you should eat before and after your workout, so you’ve tried various foods and supplements. Today, your guess work will end. Today, you will learn the most effective nutritional strategies for fueling your fat burning workout and maximizing the benefit long after you leave the gym.

So when do I need to eat before my workout? The answer: it depends on what you eat. If you eat a simple carb, then you need to put the banana down and start running! The more muscle you have, or wish to attain, the higher your carbohydrate intake will be. If you want to look like a men’s health model, then you need some slow burning carbs such as oatmeal, beans, sweet potatoes or brown rice to provide optimal glycogen for muscular energy. One hour before is ideal. Even if you are a woman seeking a solid foundation of functional muscle, some quality carbs pre workout will boost muscular performance.

What about fruit? The answer: Absolutely NOT!

Why? Because fruit’s molecular structure is comprised of fructose, which does not have the ability to be converted into muscular glycogen directly. It must go in to the liver first, which is generally full already. This greatly increases the chances of fat storage or inefficient fat burning during the workout.

For those of you living a lower carb lifestyle, which should be 90% of America, minimal carbs pre-workout are recommended. For those of who have been identified with poor Insulin Sensitivity, which is the body’s ability to handle carbohydrates, you should avoid carbs completely.

Regardless of your age, experience or goal, there is one thing that EVERYBODY should eat pre-workout: Whey Protein with high amounts of Branch Chain Amino Acids.

What are those? First, a quick recap on the function of protein: Every gram of protein is actually a collection of 22 amino acids that affect every function in your body.

Inadequate intake of high quality protein = poor bodily function

All 22 aminos are very important, but if you’re trying to fuel a workout, the most important ones are the Branch Chain Amino Acids. They are called: Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. You can immediately forget that now. Just remember that there are 3 aminos that are essential for fueling muscular function and they are called Branch Chain Amino Acids, or BCAA’s. Look for at least 3 grams per serving from your whey. Six is the highest I’ve seen, in the CytoSport version of 100% Whey. On top of BCAAs, Whey will provide the other 19 aminos in adequate amounts as well, preventing muscle loss.

Why is this so important again? Because this is like taking a fat burning supplement while fueling your workout! Below, Alwyn Cosgrove, a pioneer in our industry, discusses a double-blind study where one group took a protein supplement and the other took a carb supplement before their workout. After taking the supplement:

“Both groups then completed a heavy resistance training workout (4 sets of 9 exercises at 70-75% of max weight)

Both groups showed a significant increase in resting energy expenditure for up to 48 hours post workout (as we would expect from the afterburn effect of weight training), however the protein group had a significantly higher increase than the carbohydrate group for up to 24 hours.

The researchers concluded that timing a protein supplement prior to weight training may be a simple and effective strategy to increase energy expenditure by elevating the post workout “afterburn effect” which in turn could facilitate reductions in body fat mass and improve body
composition if nutritional intake is stable.”

Well said.

So the most effective pre-workout meal?

A Whey protein shake mixed with water. If your daily carbohydrate intake is low, then some fat pre-workout with it (ex: almonds) will be plenty to maximize fat burning and fuel a good workout.

What about post-workout? There are thousands of studies that show that you need to take a whey protein supplement (preferably Whey-Iso) immediately after workouts to repair the muscle fiber you just burned up.

So all I do is Whey protein before and after my workout? The answer: Yes!

Ancient wisdom has told us to ingest simple carbs post workout because of the Insulin spike post workout. While this is very beneficial, it may come at a price: Decimated HGH levels.

Why is this hormones so important? Because it is the hormones responsible to repairing and muscles and maintaining a healthy, lean body!. Having high HGH levels benefit every cell in your body, and greatly increase metabolism! It is known as the “fountain of youth” for its ability to improve every function in your body. It’s importance is symbolized by the steroid abuse of this hormones!

One of the secrets of having a healthy, lean body is optimizing natural hormonal function. Here, the world renowned Dr. Mercola talked about post workout nutrition on your hormones. A recent study he found documented the following points:

1) “Eating a low-carbohydrate meal after aerobic exercise enhances your insulin sensitivity.”

2) Eating fructose, fruit or any fruit juice, post-workout will decimate your natural HGH production.

HGH magazine had this to say about consuming fructose post workout:

"A high sugar meal after working out, or even a recovery drink (containing high sugar) after working out, will stop the benefits of exercise induced HGH. You can work out for hours, then eat a high sugar candy bar or have a high sugar energy drink, and this will shut down the synergistic benefits of HGH.

… If you miss reaching HGH release during working out, you will still receive the calorie burning benefit from the workout. However, you'll miss the HGH "synergy bonus" of enhanced fat burning for two hours after working out.

This is an extremely important fact to remember if you want to cut body fat and shed a few pounds.

The University of Virginia research team demonstrated that carbohydrates are burned during exercise in direct proportion to the intensity of training. Fat burning is also correlated with intensity. However, the actual fat burning takes place after the workout, during the recovery.

This makes the "Synergy Window," the 2 hour period after a workout, very important in maximizing HGH, once it's released during exercise.”

Not a good combination…

So if you want to restore muscular glycogen, consume one of the non-fructose containing foods along with a protein immediately after your training session.

For the population who seeks fat loss or lean body maintenance, Whey protein immediately after your workout is essential. About an hour after your workout, a meal with fat and protein can help restore blood sugar levels and optimize your fat burning.

So in short, for the average gym member who seeks fat loss, this is your cheat sheet:

Pre-workout: Whey protein with high amounts a BCAA’s. Some fat is recommended, for those with good Insulin Sensitivity quality carbs as well. Amounts depend on body type, activity levels and your goal.

Post-workout: Whey protein immediately after exercise, followed by a meal about 1 hour later comprised of protein and fat.

Get your shaker cups ready!


Alwyn Cosgrove:

Dr. Mercola:


  1. The article is very nice and well organized. Pre and post workout nutrition for fat loss is really a good idea to maintain a healthy life. Thanks for posting such an informative article.

    James Chad

  2. Pre and Post Workout Nutrition For Fat Loss describe each and every part of body fat. You’ve heard conflicting reports on what you should eat before and after your workout, so you’ve tried various foods and supplements.

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  4. Pre and post workout nutrition for fat loss is really a good idea to maintain a healthy life. Thanks for posting such an informative article.

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