Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Mouth That Roared

Wow, it has been a long time since I posted. I have lots going on in my mind but it just doesn’t seem to make it to my fingers.

I’ve been thinking about the MS Society and how they have been so important to me lately. After going to a Wellness Seminar sponsored by the society I found there were funds available for wellness. I remember asking the director afterwards if it could be used for training and was told no. Anyone who knows me knows that “because I said so” does not work for me. It took me 6 months of "gentle persuasion" to convince them of the validity of paying for my training. I decided to make it a mission to help them see the importance of allowing grants for training not just for me, but for others. And guess what? After 6 months of staying on them they now not only pay for my training but for other DFM clients. Honestly it was scary when I let others know because I was afraid they would no longer pay for both me and others. But I knew I am at the point I would continue on my own, and if someone else could be helped, then it is their turn. So if you have a client with MS who made the initial investment, let me know and I will be happy to forward the forms and my contact. And if the MS Society will do it, why not other organizations? Sometimes it is just a matter of being “the mouth that roared”.

The MS Society has been monitoring my “success” and just featured me in an article in their newsletter which went out to everyone on the gateway mailing list, letting people know of the success of not only me, but other people. AND they just had a videographer come to the St Charles gym (shout out) to shoot a segment interviewing me, and showing me working out with Jake the Great. They plan on putting the segment on their website as well as showing it at their Wellness Seminars to show people with this disease what they are capable of doing. Truth be told, I was not feeling great when they shot the segment. But to me this is an important part of the story. Even at our weakest there is still so much we are able to do.

Now I didn’t start this path until past my 50th birthday (can’t believe I just told you that!!). Imagine if someone started in their 20’s 30’s or 40’s! Now I plan on being the female Jack LaLanne – annoying you until well in my 90’s. But not just for me. If someone who wants to lose a little weight gains inspiration from my perspiration that is wonderful. But my target people are those sitting on their couch and don’t see how they can do it. I’m telling you – if a middle aged overweight woman who walks with a cane and has a progressive incurable neurological disease can do it – ANYONE CAN!

And be creative with how you/they CAN do it. Do not be afraid to ask for the gift of fitness for your birthday or holiday gift. While I do not encourage others to do this, I borrowed from a 401(k) and paid it back. I know a woman (again, not encouraging, just telling) who used part of a loan for training. When it is a matter of life or life, you find a way. If you needed surgery tomorrow, you would find a way. Well, it is time to think of this as necessary surgery to some. You have to, because unless their fitness level changes, we will lose people to heart diseases, diabetes, and countless other ailments. I for one can no longer accept this. I will not allow my friends to commit suicide by food without at least acknowledging it just as I would if I saw the needle in their vein. If they are hurting, I want to be there. If they do not KNOW what to do, I want to give them the benefit of my limited knowledge. But more than anything, I want to be there. Be heard. Encourage them. Make a difference. Be known as “the mouth that roared”.

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