I know I just posted recently, but this is just too exciting to not make another entry. I usually see my Physiatrist for Cortico steroid injection under fluro guidance every 2-3 months to just keep me mobile. HOWEVER, it’s been almost 6 months since my last injection!! Honestly, it was nowhere near as bad as it’s been in the past but my deductible had been met so I thought I should get one more shot to prepare for the winter. When I saw my doctor yesterday he was a little amazed both in the physical changes, the mobility and things I can now do (ok, maybe I was showing off a little), and the fact that in almost the 2 years he’s been treating me this is the first time he’s seen me without my cane. That’s another one of those little things I keep forgetting about. How it used to be such an ordeal just walking from my car (even when I parked in Handicap parking). Yesterday I actually was talking and joking with people as I walked to the office. J
It made me stop and think how much my life has changed since I joined the Club and started working out with a trainer – in just April of this year. It has not been cheap – but how can you put a price on getting your life back? Check out how much a hospital stay is, and all of a sudden it isn’t as far-fetching as you originally thought! But regardless of what some of my friends think, it isn’t all about me. ;) It is about paying it forward and helping others.
When I was in the gym warming up the other day I noticed an elderly man sitting next to me watching the tv while sitting on a bike. While people were in line to use the bike. My first inclination was to say REALLY?!?!?. But I just started talking to him – asking if he needed help. He was a little curt with his “No” reply, but I recognized something in the reply I’d seen in myself. So I just started talking to him about how hard it was for me to originally use the bike. How my trainer had to literally place my feet on the pedals and find out where to stash my cane for easy access. He started listening and said that people had tried to help him, but he just couldn’t get his feet on the pedals. He was in his 70’s and was just trying to get more limber. I said if he was open to it, I could help him figure it out on his own (independence is SOOOO important). So I showed him how to have the dominant leg push the pedal all the way down and put his foot on. With one foot on the pedal, push the other pedal in the downward position and using your hands, lift the other leg and put it onto the pedal. After one or two tries he was successful! Then I said to not worry about going fast – just go 25-30 rpm initially until he was more comfortable. Then we worked out together for a bit. After warming up I went to my workout session with Jake the Great. I don’t know if I’ll ever see the man again – I hope I do.
But it made me realize there is a bigger reason to get into shape. And it’s not just for me (although that is HUGE). It is to take the lessons I’ve learned (and am learning) to help others. Not just the buff and toned crowd, but maybe the person sitting by themselves looking frustrated. Sometimes all it takes is a simple heart-felt “hello” to start the process.
Be well, and have a FANTASTIC New Year!
Janet, you are a special person indeed! Your new lease on life, (overcoming the obstacles set before you) is profound. YOu are energized with a zeal that radiates around you. One can tell from your written enthusiasm, let alone your willingness to participate. In my opinion, (hey I am entitled to one) we need to be more like you than you think. I cringe when I see someone wasting their efforts at the club socializing more than exercising. Or to view anyone using the wrong technique is such a shame. Well I used to idely stand by and say to myself too bad that person never paid attention to or recieved proper instruction. Often the strongest looking men, and sometimes ladies will ignore proper technique just to get more weight on the bar, or more reps faster. What a shame. I was told about 30+ years back personally from Mr. Olymia Sergio Olivia, (I was impressed he spoke to me too) "you will not see any quick moves that rob technique from me."
ReplyDeleteSince I helped my wife attain "personal Trainer" status, and I go to the gym regularly, things get tougher when properly exicuted . Pus more profound results.
So What I propose that everyone get involved politely as posible to ignite personal bests, you must get proper form. So If you see someone not doing correct form, point it out. That is it! Simply stated: if you direct your efforts towards form, your rewards will be greater.
Janet thanks for writing in the forum, and one day I might meet you to give you a friendly smile, a handshake and a pat on the back for being the best influence you can. Go Janimal!
I look forward to meeting you as well! Jake is always preaching technique to me - and I've learned it's importance. We are gradually getting more reps and more lbs - but first must master the necessary technique. Thanks for the reminder!! AND the kind words.